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2013 » April » 05 - Archive

Mancini: United´s hefty lead undeserved
Manchester City manager Roberto Mancini has claimed his side do not deserve to be 15 points behind rivals Manchester United.
Reigning champions City have won just three of their past seven league outings, and travel to Old Trafford on Monday to face a team unbeaten in the league since November 17.

Mancini acknowledged United's impressive run of form but has urged his squad to not give up on the title, with the aim of closing the gap before the end of the season.

"We do not deserve to be 15 points behind," Mancini told reporters.

Category: News Views: 836 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 22:55

Roura, Barca wait on Messi fitness
Barcelona's Jordi Roura says Lionel Messi is unlikely to face Mallorca on Saturday but remains in contention to play Paris Saint-Germain.
A hamstring problem forced Messi to be withdrawn at half-time in Barcelona's 2-2 draw with PSG in the Champions League quarter-final first leg on Tuesday.

The Argentina forward has been receiving specialist treatment aimed at making him available for the return fixture at Camp Nou next Wednesday.

But Barca's assistant coach Roura remains uncertain if Messi will recover in time to play PSG, and all but ruled him out of the Liga game at home to Mallorca.
... Read more »
Category: News Views: 823 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 21:18

Swansea´s Asian tour in question
Swansea's planned pre-season trip to Asia is in doubt due to tensions between North and South Korea.
The Welsh club had planned on visiting Seoul in the off-season with a view to expanding their fan-base in Asia, and already boast South Korea international Ki Sung-Yueng among their ranks.

However, concerns over the worsening political situation in the region means the full trip may not go ahead, according to manager Michael Laudrup.

"Of course, things like this could have an impact on our plans," he told the Daily Mail.

"None of ... Read more »
Category: News Views: 845 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 19:55

Casillas in contention for Real return
Jose Mourinho faces a selection dilemma ahead of Real Madrid's match against Levante thanks to Iker Casillas' inclusion in the squad.
Goalkeeper Casillas sustained a fractured hand in his side's 1-1 Copa del Rey draw against Valencia on January 23, prompting the signing of Diego Lopez, who has performed admirably in the club captain's absence since joining from Sevilla.

And Real assistant coach Aitor Karanka has now said Spain international Casillas is raring to go again after getting the green light from the club's medical staff last month.

"He is at a high level again and has been included in t ... Read more »
Category: News Views: 816 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 19:52

Eerste Divisie: Sittard vs Graafschap - Betting Tip
jupiler logoThe Dutch Eerste Divisie football match between Sittard (8th) and De Graafschap (6th) kicks off on 05 April 2013.

Sittard has played 13 Dutch Eerste Divisie matches this season on Trendwork Arena, Sittard. On home ground Sittard has won 6, drawn 4 and lost 3 matches. This ranks Sittard 6th in home team performance in the Dutch Eerste Divisie.

De Graafschap has played 14 Dutch Eerste Divisie matches this season away from home. On away ground De Graafschap has won 6, drawn 4 and lost 4 matches. This ranks The Superboeren (Super Farmers) 5th in away team performance in the Dutch Eerste Divisie.
Category: Betting Tips Views: 994 Added: Better Date: 05.04.2013 - 16:19

Premier League: Amkar vs Dynamo Moscow - Betting Tip
russia flagThe Russian Premier League football match between Amkar Perm (11th) and Dynamo Moscow (7th) kicks off on 05 April 2013.

Amkar Perm has played 10 Russian Premier League matches this season on Stadion Zvezda. On home ground Amkar Perm has won 3, drawn 2 and lost 5 matches. This ranks the Krasno-Chervenye (Red-Blacks) 12th in home team performance in the Russian Premier League.

Dynamo Moscow has played 11 Russian Premier League matches this season away from home. On away ground Dynamo Moscow has won 5, drawn 1 and lost 5 matches. This ranks the White-Blues 6th in away team performance in the Russian Premier League.
... Read more »
Category: Betting Tips Views: 1298 Added: Better Date: 05.04.2013 - 15:30

დასკვნით ტურს აზრი დაუბრუნდა
საქართველოს მორაგბეთა XXIII ჩემპიონატის XVII რაუნდის შემდეგ, პრაქტიკულად ყველაფერი უკვე გადაწყვეტილი იყო, ყოველ შემთხვევაში იმ გუნდებისთვის, რომლებმაც პლეი ოფებში ჩემპიონობისთვის უნდა გააგრძელონ ბრძოლა, მაგრამ ერთმა შეცდომამ სიტუაცია შეცვალა.

ეს შეცდომა XVI რაუნდში თბილისის "ჯიქების” მთავარ მწვრთნელ გია ამირხანაშვილს მოუვიდა. ამ ტურში მისმა გუნდმა "ლელო” 16:10 დაამარცხა და მეტოქეს რეგულარული პირველობის მოგების შანსები მინიმუმამდე შეუმცირა, თავად კი, მერე ბათუმურ გუნდსაც რომ სძლია, პლეი ოფის პირველ ეტაპზე ქუთაისში მგზავრობა აირიდა და თანაქალაქელ "არმაზთან” ჯახი გაინაღდა. მაგრამ 23 მარტს გამართული თამაშის მეთვალყურემ საკუთარ მოხსენებაში რომ ჩაწერა, მატჩის მიწურულს საშეჯიბრო დებულება დაირღვაო...
... Read more »
Category: ახალი ამბები Views: 1057 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 15:26

ბენიტესი: მეტი გოლი გვეკუთვნოდა
ყაზანის "რუბინთან” ევროპის ლიგის 1/4-ფინალურ მატჩში გამარჯვების შემდეგ (3:1), ლონდონის "ჩელსის” თავკაცმა რაფაელ ბენიტესმა პრესკონფერენციაზე ისაუბრა თამაშის შესახებ. ესპანელ სპეციალისტს მიაჩნია, რომ მის გუნდს კიდევ ერთი გოლი ეკუთვნოდა.

"100%-ით გახარებული მაინც არ ვარ, რადგან სულ ცოტა, კიდევ ერთ გოლს ვიმსახურებდით. ის ცვლილებები, რაც წინა მატჩების შემდეგ გავაკეთე, ფეხბურთელების მდგომარეობით იყო განპირობებული. "რუბინთან” შეხვედრაში, ფერნანდო ტორესმა დაამტკიცა, რომ თვითრწმენა არ დაუკარგავს. "ელ ნინიომ” ბევრი იშრომა და მისი თამაში ძალიან მომეწონა. იმედია, შემდეგ მატჩშიც დუბლს შეასრულებს. დარწმუნებული ვარ, გოლს საპასუხო შეხვედრაშიც გავიტანთ. ეს რთული იქნება, რადგან მეტოქე აქტიურად შეგვიტევს”, - ციტირებს ბენიტესის სიტყვებს უეფას ოფიციალური საიტი.

"რუბინისა” და "ჩელსის” საპასუხო მატჩი ... Read more »
Category: ახალი ამბები Views: 810 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 15:23

“რეალმა” მარსელოს კონტრაქტი გაუხანგრძლივა
მადრიდის "რეალმა” და მარცხენაფლანგელმა მარსელომ თანამშრომლობის გაგრძელება გადაწყვიტეს. Football Espana-ს ცნობით, "სამეფო კლუბმა” 24 წლის ბრაზილიელ მცველს კონტრაქტი 2018 წლის ივნისამდე გაუხანგრძლივა.

სამხრეთამერიკელს "რეალთან” ძველი ხელშეკრულება 2015 წელს ეწურებოდა. მიუხედავად იმისა, რომ მიმდინარე სეზონში მარსელო არცთუ ხშირად თამაშობს, მადრიდელებმა მას გაუმჯობესებული კონტრაქტი შესთავაზეს. ახალი ხელშეკრულების ძალით, ბრაზილიელის წლიური ანაზღაურება 2.3 მილიონიდან 4 მილიონ ევრომდე გაიზარდა.

ცნობისათვის, მარსელომ ესპანეთის პრიმერა დივიზიონის მიმდინარე სეზონში 10 მატჩი ჩაატარა.
Category: ახალი ამბები Views: 651 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 15:20

ესპანეთის პრიმერა დივიზიონის 30-ე ტურის ანონსი
primera division
წარმოგიდგენთ ესპანეთის პრიმერა დივიზიონის 30-ე ტურის წინ ტრავმირებული და დისკვალიფიცირებული ფეხბურთელების ნუსხას.

 5 აპრილი

გრანადა – ბეტისი

გრანადა – ტრავმირებულნი: სანტოსი, იებდა, ბენიტესი, რიკო.

ბეტისი - ტრავმირებულნი: ვილარხაო.

მსაჯი: მიგელ პერეს ლასა

 6 აპრილი

სოსიედადი – მალაგა

სოსიედადი - ტრავმირებული: კასტრო.

მალაგა - ტრავმირებული: ელიზეუ.

მსაჯი: უნდიანო მალენკო

 რეალი – ლევანტე

რეალი - ტრავმირებული: არავინ.

ლევანტე - ტრავმირ ... Read more »
Category: ახალი ამბები Views: 781 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 15:17

Premier League preview: Manchester United - Manchester City
manchester united , city
There will be an air of anti-climax about the Manchester derby on Monday with United's 15-point gap all but ensuring the title is theirs.
In what should be the match of the season just eight games out from its close, United's vice-like grip on the title threatens to quash any sense of theatre on Sunday, nearly a year after City completed one of the great sporting heists to snatch the title from their bitter rivals.

City manager Roberto Mancini will fuel his side with belief after a largely disappointing campaign that has so far included a meek exit from the group stages of the Champions League and a chequered pursuit of their nearest neighbours.

The sides have s ... Read more »
Category: News Views: 891 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 13:32

Premier League preview: Newcastle United - Fulham
premier league
Newcastle's bid for Premier League safety encounters a tricky test against in-form Fulham at St James' Park on Sunday.
Alan Pardew's side have endured a torrid campaign after surpassing expectations with a fifth-placed finish last term.

They hover precariously above the relegation zone, just three points clear of 18th place, and encounter a Fulham side that are undefeated in their past five Premier League games.

Fulham’s streak draws a sharp parallel with the form of Newcastle, who have suffered three straight defeats, including a 3-1 reverse at Benfica in the first leg of their midweek Europa League quarter-final.

... Read more »
Category: News Views: 766 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 13:30

Premier League preview: Chelsea - Sunderland
premier league
Paulo Di Canio takes charge of his first Premier League match when Sunderland travel to face Chelsea on Saturday.
The Italian's appointment at Sunderland on Sunday sent shockwaves through the league and stunned supporters of the north east club, many of whom vehemently oppose his reportedly fascist political leanings.

But it is what his side achieve on the pitch in the final seven games to avoid relegation that will define Di Canio's status among fans.

Relegation would be a monumental disaster and the naysayers would be validated by what is seen by some as a rash appointmen ... Read more »
Category: News Views: 826 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 13:27

Premier League preview: Liverpool - West Ham
premier league
West Ham United can take a further step towards English Premier League survival if they pick up points away to in-form Liverpool on Sunday.
Two wins in their past three Premier League matches have seen West Ham rise to 11th in the standings, six points clear of the relegation zone.

But with such a congested bottom half of the table, the east London club need to keep picking up positive results.

Those victories have come with Gary O'Neil impressing in defensive midfield in place of the injured Mark Noble.

Category: News Views: 731 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 13:25

Premier League preview: QPR - Wigan
qpr, wigan
If Queens Park Rangers want to avoid relegation, a win is a must at home to fellow strugglers Wigan on Sunday.
Wigan have won three of their past four English Premier League outings, lifting them out of the drop zone while they still have a game in hand.

Roberto Martinez's men have staged great escapes to avoid relegation in the past and again face a huge task to secure top-flight survival.

Harry Redknapp's QPR come into the clash at Loftus Road on the back of consecutive 3-2 losses – against Aston Villa and Fulham.

Category: News Views: 797 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 13:22

Premier League preview: Tottenham - Everton
tottenham, everton
News of Gareth Bale's potentially season-ending ankle injury does not bode well for Spurs ahead of Everton's visit to White Hart Lane.
Tottenham manager Andre Villas-Boas was left to rue the flying winger's injury in the dying stages of Spurs' 2-2 draw with Basel in the Europa League quarter-finals on Thursday.

"Gareth has rolled over his ankle and we still need to get assessment that we can only have on Friday," Villas-Boas said.

"But it shouldn't be as bad as it looks in the images. He has torn that ligament before and there's nothing to tear now." ... Read more »
Category: News Views: 815 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 12:54

Petkovic optimistic over Lazio task
Vladimir Petkovic admits Fenerbahce have left Lazio with a mountain to climb if they are to qualify for the Europa League semi-finals.
Ogneyi Onazi's red card coupled with late strikes from Pierre Webo (penalty) and Dirk Kuyt consigned Lazio to a likely European elimination at the Sukru Saracoglu on Thursday.

And while their coach has been buoyed by the fact that the second leg is behind closed doors in Rome, their poor disciplinary record and significant deficit means their task is all the more difficult.

"Conceding three penalties and suffering two red cards in our last five Europa League games ... Read more »
Category: News Views: 839 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 12:52

Copa Libertadores wrap: Bueno brace boosts Nacional
Nacional booked their spot in the Copa Libertadores knockout stages with a 4-0 thrashing of Toluca on Thursday.
The Uruguayan outfit struck twice in each half as Gonzalo Bueno netted a brace to go with an Israel Damonte effort and Ivan Alonso's penalty.

The win lifted Nacional to 10 points, one ahead of Boca Juniors and five clear of Toluca with one match remaining in Group 1.

Bueno opened the scoring in Montevideo on 11 minutes after he collected a dreadful pass out of defence and rounded goalkeeper Alfredo Talavera before finishing.

The second was a scrappy goal, with Damonte tapping in a Hugo Dorrego cross fo ... Read more »
Category: News Views: 687 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 12:50

Pardew upbeat despite first-leg loss
Alan Pardew believes that Newcastle can be proud despite losing 3-1 to Benfica in their Europa League quarter-final first leg.
The Magpies took an early lead through Papiss Cisse's strike but were pegged back thanks to strikes from Rodrigo, Lima and Oscar Cardozo's penalty, given for a Steven Taylor handball.

"I thought we did so much right tonight," Pardew told reporters.

"We got ourselves in a great position and, especially at 1-1 in the second half, we had kind of taken the sting out of them.

"And then we gifted them a goal and ... Read more »
Category: News Views: 758 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 12:46

Bundesliga: Hoffenheim vs Fortuna Dusseldorf - Betting Tip
bundesligaThe German 1 Bundesliga football match between Hoffenheim (17th) and Fortuna Dusseldorf (15th) kicks off on 05 April 2013.

Hoffenheim has played 14 German 1 Bundesliga matches this season on Rhein Neckar Arena. On home ground Hoffenheim has won 3, drawn 4 and lost 7 matches. This ranks the Hoffe 14th in home team performance in the German 1 Bundesliga.

Fortuna Dusseldorf has played 13 German 1 Bundesliga matches this season away from home. On away ground Fortuna Dusseldorf has won 2, drawn 3 and lost 8 matches. This ranks Die Schanzer 17th in away team performance in the German 1 Bundesliga.

Analyzing the va ... Read more »
Category: Betting Tips Views: 1020 Added: Better Date: 05.04.2013 - 12:44

Stuart tips Everton surprise
Ex-Everton midfielder Graham Stuart believes that his former side can secure a win against Tottenham at White Hart Lane on Sunday.
Everton are currently four points adrift of Chelsea in fourth in the hunt for Champions League football and, after Spurs' exertions against Basel during their midweek 2-2 draw in the Europa League quarter-finals, Stuart feels that there is an opportunity to narrow the gap.

Spurs lost Gareth Bale, William Gallas and Aaron Lennon to injury against the Swiss side, although Everton will be without Steven Pienaar and Marouane Fellaini through suspension.

Stuart told talkSPOR ... Read more »
Category: News Views: 705 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 12:44

Chelsea primed for semis, says Benitez
Chelsea manager Rafa Benitez is confident of making the Europa League semi-finals after a 3-1 first-leg win over Rubin Kazan.
Chelsea coasted to victory thanks to a Fernando Torres double and a clinical strike from Victor Moses, although the Russian side registered an away goal through a Bibras Natcho penalty on the stroke of half-time.

And despite admitting his unhappiness with the spot kick, the Spaniard was satisfied with the outcome and expects his side to score in the second leg.

"Obviously they have to score two goals and can go through if we do not score but we are confident that we can," B ... Read more »
Category: News Views: 656 Added: Sky Date: 05.04.2013 - 12:41

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