რეალი-ბარსელონა : პრიმერა დივიზიონი
ისვე "ელ კლასიკო”... ამჯერად, მადრიდის "რეალი” და კატალონიის "ბარსელონა” ერთმანეთს ესპანეთის პრიმერა დივიზიონის 26-ე ტურის მატჩში დაუპირისპირდებიან.
უკანასკნელ პერიოდში, ეს გუნდები ერთმანეთს იმდენჯერ შეხვდნენ, რომ ყველაზე მნიშვნელოვან მადრიდულ-კატალონიურ დაპირისპირებას, გარკვეულწილად, ძველებური ხიბლიც კი დაეკარგა. მიუხედავად ამისა, "რეალისა” და "ბარსელონას” მატჩი ყოველთვის ახერხებს სხვა საფეხბურთო (და არა მარტო) მოვლენების გადაფარვას.
უკანასკნელი "ელ კლასიკოებისგან” განსხვავებით, შაბათს გასამართი მატჩი ორი რამით იქნება გამორჩეული: უპირველესად, შეხვედრა ესპანეთის დროით 16:00-ზე დაიწყება (ჩვენი დროით 19:00), რაც "ელ კლასიკოსთვის” ნამდვილად უჩვეულოა. და მეორე: პრიმერა დივიზიონის სატურნირო ცხრილში, გუნდებს შორის სხვაობა 16 ქულაა, რაც იმას ნიშნავს, რომ ამ თვალსაზრისით, ეს შეხვ
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Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 927
Added: Sky
Date: 01.03.2013 - 23:21
ბარსელონას ჩამოწერა ნაადრევია
"პარი სენ ჟერმენის” ნახევარმცველის დევიდ ბექჰემის აზრით, ჩემპიონთა ლიგის 1/8-ფინალში, სტუმრად "მილანთან” დამარცხების (0:2) მიუხედავად, "ბარსელონას” "ჩამოწერა” ნაადრევია.
"დადის ხმები, რომ "ბარსელონას” ჰეგემონია სრულდება, მაგრამ "მილანთან” წაგების მიუხედავად, მსგავსი დასკვნების გაკეთება ნაადრევია. საპასუხო მატჩში, "ბარსელონა” სახლში ითამაშებს და არცთუ მნიშვნელოვანია, რამდენი ბურთი უნდა გაქვითოს – ორი თუ სამი. მე ვიცი, თუ რას ნიშნავს "ბარსელონას” წინააღმდეგ თამაში, როდესაც მას გოლი აქვს გასატანი. ეს რთულია” – იუწყება ბექჰემის სიტყვებს ინტერნეტგამოცემა goal.com-ი.
პსჟ-ს ინგლისელმა ლეგიონერმა აღნიშნა, რომ პირველ მატჩში "ვალენსიას” სტუმრად დამარცხების მიუხედავად, შინ იოლი გასეირნება არ ელით.
"პირველი მატჩის შემდეგ, ჩვენთვის ხელსაყრელი სიტუაციაა. თუმცა, ეს არ ნიშნავს, რომ საპასუხო თამაშში იოლი გასეირნება გველის. თუ კარგად ვითამაშებთ, ყველაფერი წესრიგში იქნება. სასიამოვნოა იმ გრანდები
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Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 748
Added: Sky
Date: 01.03.2013 - 19:49
გიგზს მანჩესტერმა კონტრაქტი გაუგრძელა
"მანჩესტერ იუნაიტედის” უელსელმა გარემარბმა რაიან გიგზმა კლუბთან ხელშეკრულება ერთი წლით გაახანგრძლივა. ამის შესახებ, მანჩესტერული საფეხბურთო კლუბის ოფიციალური ვებგვერდი იუწყება.
"როგორც არასოდეს, ფეხბურთით ისე ვტკბები. გუნდის ნაწილად ყოფნა და მისი სულისკვეთების შეგრძნება, საოცარი გრძნობაა. ჩვენ მუდმივად ვიბრძვით იმ ტურნირების მოსაგებად, რომლებშიც ვმონაწილეობთ. გამარჯვება არ შეიძლება რომ მოგბეზრდეს. რა თქმა უნდა, მიხარია, რომ ახალი კონტრაქტი გავაფორმე. მსურს, მადლობა გადავუხადო ალექს ფერგიუსონსა და მთელ სამწვრთნელო შტაბს, რომლებიც ამ წლების განმავლობაში მხარს მიჭერდნენ” – განაცხადა 39 წლის გიგზმა კონტრაქტის გაფორმების შემდეგ.
გიგზი "მანჩესტერ იუნაიტედში” 1990 წლიდან თამაშობს და გუნდის რიგებში ყველა დონის ტურნირებზე ჩატარებულ 931 მატჩში 168 გოლი გაიტანა.
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Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 634
Added: Sky
Date: 01.03.2013 - 19:47
Premier League - Weekend team news
All the team news ahead of the weekend's fixtures in the Premier League.
Manchester United v Norwich City - 15:00
Manchester United's top scorer Robin van Persie has shaken off a hip injury and will be fit. Defender Phil Jones will not be available for Saturday's league game because of an ankle injury. Norwich will be without midfielder Alex Tettey, who is out with a knee injury, with on-loan Sporting Kansas City forward Kei Kamara pushing for a place in the starting XI.
Everton v Reading - 15:00
Marouane Fellaini is expected to recover from injury, but forward Victor Anichebe is a doubt for Everton and will have a late fitness test. Pavel Pogrebnyak will be abs
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Date: 01.03.2013 - 17:33
Goal - line technology
The Premier League will introduce goal-line technology next season.
It is not yet clear which systems are in talks with the Premier League but Hawkeye, used in tennis and cricket and optical-based, and GoalRef, which uses magnetic fields, were used at last year's Club World Cup.
Two new systems have been granted licenses by FIFA this week.
On Monday the Cairos system, which uses magnetic fields around the goals, was given the nod then on Friday another German-produced system, GoalCont
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Date: 01.03.2013 - 17:30
Napoli - Juventus preview
Juventus head coach Antonio Conte believes the best team will emerge victorious from a hotly anticipated meeting with Napoli which could well determine the destination of the Serie A title.
Walter Mazzarri's Azzurri quickly proved to be the side most likely to challenge reigning Italian champions Juve this year, but whenever the Bianconeri have stumbled Napoli have followed suit.
Victory at the San Paolo would see Napoli halve the six-point gap on first place and set up a tense title run-in, but defeat to the visitors could effectively end their pursuit at an early stage.
The two clubs were battling in Serie B only six years ago and Conte commended Napoli for developing to the point they could feasibly win a first Scudetto since reforming in 2004.
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Date: 01.03.2013 - 17:22
Valverde ready for derby
Valencia coach Ernesto Valverde is steeling himself for a typically emotional derby encounter against Levante as Los Che aim to further boost their Champions League qualification prospects.
They go into the match at the Mestalla in fifth, which as it stands would be good enough to qualify for the 2013-14 Champions League owing to Malaga's ineligibility on financial grounds.
Standing in their way are city rivals Levante, who come into the game in unconvincing form having lost three and drawn one of their last four games and sit 10th in the Primera Division.
However, Valverde is putting little store in statistics as he told his club's official website: "The game will be a difficult one, because it is a derby. One has to bear in mind the atmosphere.
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Date: 01.03.2013 - 17:19
Getafe boosted ahead of Zaragoza clash
With Primera Division survival within their sights, Getafe's players have been given an added incentive for beating struggling Real Zaragoza on Friday night - three days off work.
Getafe head into the match sitting in ninth spot in the standings on 35 points, 10 more than fourth-bottom Zaragoza and 12 clear of the drop zone.
It is looking good for the Madrid-based outfit to earn a 10th successive season in the top flight, but coach Luis Garcia knows they are not quite safe yet with Villarreal having gone down with 41 points last year and Deportivo La Coruna with 43 the previous season.
That is one of the reasons why Garcia has offered an extra reward to his players if they can follow up last week's 3-1 win at Real Mallorca with another three
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Date: 01.03.2013 - 17:16
Ryan Giggs - Manchester
Ryan Giggs has signed a new one-year contract with Manchester United.
The 39-year-old winger's deal will tie him to the Old Trafford club until June 2014 and complete his 23rd season as a first-team player.
Former Wales skipper Giggs made his United debut on 2 March 1991 and has scored 168 goals in 931 appearances.
"I am feeling good, enjoying my football more than ever and, most importantly, I feel I am making a contribution to the team," said Giggs.
"This is an exciting team to be part of, with great team spirit, and we are again pushing for trophies as we head towards the business end of the season."
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Date: 01.03.2013 - 17:08
ლევანდოვსკი დორტმუნდიდან მიდის
მიხაელ ცორკმა დაადასტურა: ლევანდოვსკი მიდის!
"ბაიერნთან" მატჩის წინ "დორტმუნდის" სპორტულმა დირექტორმა მიხაელ ცორკმა ოფიციალურად დაადასტურა, რომ პოლონელი თავდამსხმელი რობერტ ლევანდოვსკი "ბორუსიასთან" ახალ კონტრაქტს არ გააფორმებს, რაც იმას ნიშნავს, რომ 24 წლის გოლეადორი გერმანიის მოქმედ ჩემპიონს ან მომავალ ზაფხულს დატოვებს, ანაც გაისად, ოღონდ უფასოდ.
ფეხბურთელის მრჩეველმა ჩეზარი კუხარსკიმ შედარებით ადრე თქვა, ჩემს კლიენტს კონტრაქტის გაგრძელებასთან დაკავშირებით გადაწყვეტილება უკვე მიღებული აქვსო და როგორც ხედავთ, გამართლდა მოლოდინი იმის შესახებ, რომ რობერტი "ბორუსიადან" აიბარგებოდა. ახლა გასარკვევია, როდის წავა ლევანდოვსკი და მართლა "ბაიერნში" გადავა, თუ არა.
"ბილდის" ინფორმაციით, რეკორდმაისტერი ლევანდოვსკის სანაცვლოდ
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Category: ახალი ამბები
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Date: 01.03.2013 - 16:06
ბარსელონა - ჩავარდნა თუ ეპოქის დასასრული
ფეხბურთის მოყვარულებს ყველა საკითხზე საკუთარი მოსაზრება გააჩნიათ - ზოგი მცდარი, ზოგიც მართებული, თუმცა მოსაზრება სუბიექტური ცნებაა და თუ ვინმესთვის მცდარია, შესაძლოა სხვისთვის მართებული იყოს.
ფეხბურთის გულშემატკივარი მოწოდებით მწვრთნელია, ტაქტიკოსია, ფსიქოლოგია... მასზე უკეთ ფეხბურთში ვერავინ ერკვევა და მხოლოდ მან იცის, როგორ უშველოს გაჭირვებაში ჩავარდნილ საყვარელ გუნდს...
მეც ერთ-ერთი ასეთი ქომაგი ვარ; უბრალოდ, გამიმართლა და ფეხბურთზე საუბარსა თუ საკუთარი მოსაზრების გამოთქმაში ფულს მიხდიან.
ამ რუბრიკაში პერიოდულად სხვადასხვა საკითხზე ვისაუბრებ. ჩემს მოსაზრებებს ზოგიერთი თქვენგანი დაეთანხმება, ზოგი კი - არა. ფეხბურთის ერთ-ერთი ხიბლიც ეს არის - არ არსებობს საკითხი, რომელზეც ყველა თანხმდება და მატჩის შემდეგ კარგ და ობი
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Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 923
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Date: 01.03.2013 - 16:03
Beckham: I am not a marketing tool
New PSG midfielder David Beckham has stressed he still has plenty to offer on the pitch and is more than just a marketing icon.
The former England star joined Paris Saint-Germain on a five-month deal in the winter transfer window.
And he insists he did not just come to the Ligue 1 giants to sell jerseys.
"If I can contribute to the club selling many shirts, no problem, that's good! It's great to see so many people wearing my shirt," Beckham told L'Equipe.
"In the past at clubs that I have played, I've heard the same thing, that I would sell shirts. It was like that at Man Utd, Real Madrid, AC Milan and LA Galaxy.
"I am very proud people buy my shirt, but I can still play a b
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Date: 01.03.2013 - 15:55
Cazorla ready for important derby
Arsenal midfielder Santi Cazorla is under no illusions about the magnitude of Sunday's North London derby against Tottenham.
Arsene Wenger's under-pressure side visit White Hart Lane needing a win to boost their hopes of qualifying for next season's Champions League.
A Gareth Bale-inspired Tottenham are among Arsenal's rivals for the top four while Andre Villas-Boas' side also have eyes on second place in the Premier League.
Cazorla, who scored and starred in his North London derby debut when Arsenal won 5-2 for the second successive season at the Emirates in November, is aware of the importance of the game.
The Spaniard said in the Daily Star: "We know how important it is and I hope we can rise to the challenge.
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Date: 01.03.2013 - 15:53
Plan A could be the one for Barcelona
Champions Matchday editor Paul Simpson ponders FC Barcelona's predicament and says they can draw inspiration from Otto Rehhagel's UEFA EURO 2004-winning Greece.
It is all too easy to blame Tito Vilanova and Jordi Roura for FC Barcelona's 2-0 round of 16 defeat by AC Milan last week. Many observers have done just that, criticising Barça's coach and his assistant for not developing a plan B. One pundit who has not joined this chorus, however, is Otto Rehhagel.
The German oversaw one of the most unexpected triumphs in international football when he steered Greece to glory at UEFA EURO 2004. He did so without a plan B. He had a plan A – a 4-5-1 formation with a sweeper that relied on man-to-man marking and dominating games by controlling space, rather than the bal
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Date: 01.03.2013 - 15:51
United eager to spike Madrid's guns
Manchester United FC aim to stop Real Madrid CF winning Europe's top club competititon for a tenth time while things look bleak for Celtic FC as the first round of 16 ties conclude.
That tie is poised at 1-1 as Cristiano Ronaldo prepares to return to Old Trafford, and there is little to choose between Borussia Dortmund and FC Shakhtar Donetsk in Tuesday's other game. However, things are looking desperate for the away sides in Wednesday's fixtures: Valencia CF and Celtic FC needing to make up for first-leg home defeats if they are to forge on to the last eight. UEFA.com gets the lowdown.
Manchester United FC v Real Madrid CF (1-1)
• These teams have met in four previous European Cup ties, with the winners going on t
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Date: 01.03.2013 - 15:48
Once bitten by Sir Alex, twice shy
In the Real Madrid CF side beaten by Sir Alex Ferguson's Aberdeen FC in 1983, Francisco Bonet is concerned for his old club ahead of their trip to Manchester United FC.
On Tuesday night there will be a special guest at the Peňa Madridista – or Real Madrid CF supporters' club – in the small town of Cox in the Alicante region of Spain. His name is Francisco Bonet, and his presence in the club on the evening Madrid take on Manchester United FC in the deciding leg of their UEFA Champions League last-16 contest at Old Trafford should provide the perfect antidote to any over-optimism among the Madridistas in his midst.
True, José Mourinho's men will travel to Manchester buoyed by an impressive 3-1 Copa del Rey victory at FC Barce
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Date: 01.03.2013 - 15:45
Classy Giggs leaves Laudrup purring
Swansea manager Michael Laudrup has described Ryan Giggs as "pure class" as the Manchester United midfielder prepares for his 1,000th senior competitive game.
The Welshman made his first appearance for United on March 2, 1991, as a substitute against Everton, and has gone on to enjoy a career of exceptional consistency and longevity.
Giggs, 39, has achieved the remarkable feat of scoring in each of the 23 seasons of his career, and found the net in the Red Devils' 2-0 win over QPR last weekend.
The landmark appearance could come against Norwich on Saturday.
Laudrup, who enjoyed an illustrious playing career with clubs such as Barcelona, Real Madrid and Juventus, has been amazed at how Giggs has been able to adapt his ga
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Date: 01.03.2013 - 15:41
Aguero not giving up on title just yet
Sergio Aguero has not yet given up on hopes of Manchester City retaining the Premier League title.
The Argentinian striker clinched the Blues' first title triumph since 1968 with a dramatic injury-time winner in the final game of last season, but City trail local rivals Man United by 12 points with 11 games remaining.
"Can we still win the title? I'd like to believe so," declared the 24-year-old former Atletico Madrid star.
"We can't give up, even though it looks tough."
City have progressed to the quarter-finals of the FA Cup, where they face a home date with Barnsley, and Aguero hopes that their form in knock-out games can inspire a late bid for the title.
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Date: 01.03.2013 - 15:39
Fergie: It won't be mission impossible
ALEX FERGUSON believes it is nonsense to say his successor is facing an impossible job.
The perceived wisdom is that the next man in at Old Trafford will have a nightmare trying to follow on from the all-conquering boss and that his stay could be shortlived.
However, Ferguson insists it will be a dream for his successor, with everything at the club set up for success.
He said: "With the structure we have here, it can’t be an impossible job. What more could you want?”
Having said that, Ferguson believes the biggest mistake his successor could make is changing himself to fit Manchester United.
Despite the manager’s own incredible success in bringing 37 trophies through the doors, he beli
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Category: News
Views: 897
Added: Better
Date: 01.03.2013 - 15:37
Vidic upbeat over injury struggles
Manchester United captain Nemanja Vidic is feeling good about the progress he is making as he continues on the road to recovery from his knee problems.
Vidic suffered cruciate ligament damage in his right knee in United's Champions League group game against Basle in December 2011 which sidelined him for the remainder of that season.
Then, after playing in the Red Devils' opening five matches of the current campaign, the Serbian centre-back underwent surgery on the same knee in September.
He returned to action in December and has featured in 10 of United's last 16 fixtures in all competitions, s
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Category: News
Views: 780
Added: Better
Date: 01.03.2013 - 15:33
Dortmund give up on Lewandowski
Borussia Dortmund have given up any remaining hope of persuading Robert Lewandowski to sign a new contract at the club.
Lewandowski's current deal at Dortmund does not expire until June 2014, but his agent revealed earlier this week that the Poland international has already decided on his next destination.
The 24-year-old has been linked with potential moves to Bayern Munich, Manchester United and Juventus.
"Robert Lewandowski is not going to sign a new contract. We will have to see if he is going to be on the move in the summer," Borussia Dortmund director Michael Zorc told German Sky.
"His contract runs until 2014. There are two options. Either he goes in June or he stays for anoth
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Category: News
Views: 704
Added: Better
Date: 01.03.2013 - 15:30
Libertad, Cristal shine
Copa Libertadores wrap: Libertad, Cristal shine
Libertad stayed unbeaten in the second stage of the Copa Libertadores, while Sporting Cristal also won on Thursday.
Paraguayan side Libertad made it two wins from as many starts in the second stage by defeating Brazilian team Palmeiras 2-0.
Pablo Velazquez put Libertad in front with a powerful header in the 10th minute of the contest, before Pedro Benitez sealed the points early in the second half when he nodded past Palmeiras goalkeeper Fernando.
The win keeps Libertad on top of Group 2 with six points, while Palmeiras trail second-placed Sporting Cristal by goal difference.
Sporting Cristal picked up their first points of t
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Views: 812
Added: Better
Date: 01.03.2013 - 15:25
Today Rooney says...
Old Trafford could be key to treble chances, says Rooney
Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney says home advantage will play a huge role in deciding whether the club can win the treble this season.
The Red Devils' next four games are all at home, as they host Norwich and Reading in the Premier League, Real Madrid in their Champions League last-16 second leg and Chelsea in the quarter-finals of the FA Cup.
And the England international has suggested that the home crowd and minimal travelling time will provide a big boost to his team-mates.
"It's always nice to play at home, so to have a few games there back-to-back is good," the striker told reporters.
Category: News
Views: 652
Added: Better
Date: 01.03.2013 - 15:22
Giggs pens new Manchester United deal
Ryan Giggs has signed a new one-year contract at Manchester United which will see him play in his 23rd senior season with the club.
The 39-year-old penned his first professional deal with the Red Devils in 1990 - after joining them as a youth player in 1987 - and has never looked back, making a club-record 931 appearances and winning numerous honours including 12 Premier League titles, four FA Cups and two Champions Leagues.
And the winger is not done yet, insisting he still feels able to add to the squad, while he is looking forward to the prospect of yet more trophies this season with a second treble on the cards.
The Welshman told the club's official website: "I am feeling good, enjoying my football more than ever and, mo
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Category: News
Views: 648
Added: Better
Date: 01.03.2013 - 15:20
Ribery targets treble with Bayern
Bayern Munich winger Franck Ribery has urged his team-mates to remain focused as he has set his sights on winning three trophies this term.
The Bavarians currently hold a 17-point lead over second-placed Borussia Dortmund in the Bundesliga table, while they beat Dortmund 1-0 in midweek to book their ticket for the semi-finals of the DFB Pokal.
They also recorded a 3-1 away win over Arsenal in the first leg of their Champions League round-of-16 tie.
"It's going brilliantly in the Bundesliga and hopefully that's how it will continue, but there are still a lot of games to go. We need to stay focused," Ribery told the official Bundesliga website.
"There are two other titles up for grabs as well - the DFB Cup a
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Views: 771
Added: Better
Date: 01.03.2013 - 15:19
Van Persie fit for Real Madrid clash
Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has confirmed that Robin van Persie will be fit for Tuesday's Champions League tie with Real Madrid.
The Dutch forward sustained a hip injury during the Premier League match with Queens Park Rangers last time out but the Red Devils were always confident the ex-Arsenal man would recover in time for the last-16 second-leg.
And the 71-year-old has assured fans that, despite initial fears, the striker will be available for both visits of Norwich on Saturday and then Jose Mourinho's side on Tuesday.
"Robin van Persie has trained this week - he's available for tomorrow. His hip was very tender but he's okay now," Ferguson told reporters on Friday.
Category: News
Views: 635
Added: Better
Date: 01.03.2013 - 15:17
01.03 - Bet პროგნოზები
Napoli - Juventus
Tip: Both team to score
Odd: 1.85
Serie A Preview: Napoli-Juventus
Napoli only has a minor injury concern ahead of its must-win clash against Juventus on Friday at the Stadio San Paolo.
Category: Betting Tip
Views: 775
Added: Better
Date: 01.03.2013 - 14:31
Granero focussed on QPR salvation
QPR midfielder Esteban Granero said he has no interest in looking for another club and is focused on helping his side avoid relegation.
Harry Redknapp's team remain rooted to the bottom of the league table, seven points adrift of safety and with only 11 games remaining to try to beat the drop, with speculation surrounding the futures of several members of the squad should they go down.
But Granero argued to the club's official website: "I am not the type of player who wants to play for many teams and move every transfer window.
"I like to get involved with the club, with the team, with everything. I have only played for two teams (before QPR) in my career; one is the team of my life, Real Madrid, and one is Getafe, who I was with on loan.
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Category: News
Views: 740
Added: Sky
Date: 01.03.2013 - 00:29
West Ham suffer Nolan blow
West Ham are set to be without Kevin Nolan for several weeks after it was confirmed that the club's captain has a broken toe.
The Englishman suffered the injury after a robust tackle from Tottenham's Moussa Dembele in West Ham's 3-2 Premier League defeat on Monday.
West Ham assistant Neil McDonald told reporters Nolan had experienced issues with his toe all season.
"He's had problems in the past with it, all season really," McDonald said.
"He has had problems with his foot all season and he has been playing through the pain barrier. It's probably worse than it has been with him having the kick right on it."
With just one win in their last seven league games, West Ham are now just six points
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Category: News
Views: 667
Added: Sky
Date: 01.03.2013 - 00:27
Laudrup coy on Swansea future
Swansea City manager Michael Laudrup remains non-committal over how long he will remain at the club.
The Dane has enjoyed a fantastic debut season since taking over at Liberty Stadium, leading the side into the top half of the table and securing their first-ever major silverware after beating Braford City in the League Cup final.
This success has reportedly caught the attention of major European clubs but Laudrup is refusing to be drawn on such speculation.
The former Mallorca boss told reporters: "I've said it already a couple of times - my intention is to stay here next year but, again, who knows about the future?
"One thing is our intention and my intention is that. Do you know your future next year? You are 100 pe
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Category: News
Views: 681
Added: Sky
Date: 01.03.2013 - 00:25
El Shaarawy signs Milan extension
AC Milan striker Stephan El Shaarawy has extended his contract at the club until June 2018.
The 20-year-old has been the stand-out player for the Rossoneri this season, notching 18 goals and four assists in all competitions.
His electric form saw him linked with the likes of Manchester United and Manchester City, but Milan have now confirmed the re-signing.
El Shaarawy joined the San Siro side in the middle of 2011 from fellow Serie A outfit Genoa.
He has been crucial to Milan's efforts to rebuild the squad following wholesale changes in close season, helping propel the side back into contention for a top-three finish.
Category: News
Views: 866
Added: Sky
Date: 01.03.2013 - 00:23
კასილიასმა ვარჯიში დაიწყო
მადრიდის "რეალის” კაპიტანმა და ნომერ პირველმა მეკარემ, იკერ კასილიასმა, მსუბუქი დატვირთვით ვარჯიში განაახლა, მაგრამ მოედანზე მისი დაბრუნება ჯერ მაინც არ იგეგმება.
დაახლოებით ერთთვიანი შესვენების შემდეგ, კასილიასი "რეალის” საწვრთნელ ბაზაზე გამოჩნდა. გუნდის კაპიტანი მოტეხილი ხელის მკურნალობას განაგრძობს, მაგრამ მას ექიმებმა მსუბუქად ვარჯიშის ნება დართეს. დღეს დილით, იკერმა რამდენიმე მარტივი მოძრაობა შეასრულა და ბურთთან ერთადაც ივარჯიშა.
UEFA-ს ოფიციალური ვებგვერდის ცნობით, მიუხედავად ვარჯიშის განახლებისა, კასილიასის დაბრუნება მარტის ბოლომდე არ იგეგმება.
Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 636
Added: Sky
Date: 01.03.2013 - 00:21
ბუნდესლიგა პრემიერ ლიგას ჯობია
"იუვენტუსის” 27 წლის ნახევარმცველი, კლაუდიო მარკიზიო აცხადებს, რომ თუ მომავალში, ტურინულ კლუბს დატოვებს, არ არის გამორიცხული, ბუნდესლიგაში გადაბარგდეს.
შეგახსენებთ, რომ რამდენიმე წლის წინ, იტალიელ ფეხბურთელს მიუნხენის "ბაიერნს” უკავშირებდნენ.
"ჩემი პრიორიტეტი, "იუვენტუსში” დარჩენაა. თუმცა, არც იმას გამოვრიცხავ, მომავალში, ახალი გამოწვევა მივიღო და სხვა კლუბში გადავიდე სათამაშოდ. ბუნდესლიგა? გერმანული ფეხბურთი ძალიან მიყვარს. მათ შესანიშნავი სტადიონები აქვთ და უმეტეს შემთხვევაში, ტრიბუნები მთლიანად ივსება. ასევე, ძალიან მომწონს გერმანელი ფანები. მათი გუნდი ოთხბურთიანი სხვაობითაც რომ მარცხდებოდეს, სტადიონს მაინც არ დატოვებენ. პირადად მე, ბუნდესლიგა პრემიერ ლიგას მირჩევნია”, – აცხადებს მარკიზიო, რომელსაც "ბიანკონერისთან” კონტრაქტი 2016 წელს ეწურება.
Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 583
Added: Sky
Date: 01.03.2013 - 00:18
Sanchez would be a good fit for Juve
Kwadwo Asamoah believes Barcelona forward Alexis Sanchez would be a good signing for Juventus.
The Chile international has struggled for consistency since joining the Catalans from Udinese in 2011, and was heavily linked with a move to Juve in the winter transfer window.
Juve are allegedly still interested in the 24-year-old, and Asamoah said he would welcome his former Udinese team-mate with open arms should he move to the reigning Serie A champions.
"Alexis is a player with great qualities. He is incredibly quick," Asamoah told Corriere dello Sport.
"He could give us a helping hand if he were to make the move to Juventus."
Sanchez has a contract with Barcelona until June 2016.
Category: News
Views: 707
Added: Sky
Date: 01.03.2013 - 00:17
Antic still believes in Barca
Former Barcelona coach Radomir Antic believes the club can overturn their 2-0 first-leg defeat to AC Milan and progress in the Champions League.
Barca were beaten at San Siro earlier this month, and after a 3-1 Copa del Rey loss to Real Madrid on Tuesday, many believe European elimination could well be on the cards.
Antic, however, insisted the tie remains in the balance.
"Barcelona have the quality to turn things around against Milan," the Serbian told La Xarxa Radio.
"It is much easier to attack and charge forward when you're 2-0 down than when it's only 1-0 in my opinion. You have nothing to lose when you're 2-0 down and must attack.
"The important thing is that Barcelona believe in themselves and are c
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Category: News
Views: 718
Added: Sky
Date: 01.03.2013 - 00:15
Marchisio keen on German football
Claudio Marchisio says he would prefer to play in the Bundesliga over the Premier League if he was to leave Juventus in the future.
The Italy international has been linked with a move to Bayern Munich on more than one occasion in recent years, and while committed to Juve, he has left the door open for one last European adventure.
"My priority is to stay at Juventus for the remainder of my career, but I am open to trying a new experience abroad in the future," Marchisio told La Gazzetta dello Sport.
"The Bundesliga? I really love German football. Their modern stadiums and facilities are great. Games are almost always sold out.
"And I like the attitude of the German fans. They do not even leave the stadium when their team
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Category: News
Views: 696
Added: Sky
Date: 01.03.2013 - 00:12
Overmars open to Arsenal return
Former Arsenal star Marc Overmars says there is a distinct possibility he could take on a role with the club in the future.
The 39-year-old scored 41 goals in 142 appearances for the Gunners during a three-year spell which saw him lift the Premier League and FA Cup prior to a 25 million-pound move to Barcelona.
And the Dutchman, who currently serves as Ajax's technical director, said he would be open to returning to the English club, but ruled out going into management.
"When you get older as a player, you work out what your qualities are for the future. I was quite fast to realise being a manager was not my job," he told Standard Sport.
"The way I work with Ajax, I do the transfers, the contracts and organise the scou
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Category: News
Views: 664
Added: Sky
Date: 01.03.2013 - 00:09