მილანი იუვენტუსისთვის საფრთხეს წარმოადგენს
მილანის ”ინტერის” ნახევარმცველმა ეზეკილ სკელოტომ ”იუვენტუსთან” მოახლოებულ მატჩზე საუბრისას, განაცხადა, რომ მის გუნდს ”ბებერი ქალბატონის” დამარცხება ნამდვილად შეუძლია. შეგახსენებთ, რომ ”დერბი დელა იტალიად” წოდებული შეხვედრა შაბათს გაიმართება
”ვფიქრობ, სანაკრებო პაუზამ დადებითი როლი ითამაშა. ”იუვენტუსთან” მატჩისთვის მშვიდ გარემოში გავაგრძელებთ მომზადებას”, – განაცხადა სკელოტომ.
”ბოლონიასთან” მატჩში ”იუვემ” მნიშვნელოვანი გამარჯვება მოიპოვა. ჩვენ კი ”სამპდორიასთან” მატჩის ჩატარება მოგვიანებით მოგვიწევს. აღნიშნული პაუზა ტურინელებთან მატჩში შესაძლოა დაგვეხმარება კიდეც”.
”წინ რთული დაპირსპირება გველის, თუმცა მეტოქისთვის პრობლემების შექმნა შეგვიძლია”, – დაასრულა ”ინტერის” ფეხბურთელმა.
შეგახსენებთ, რომ პირველ წრეში, სწორედ ”ინტერმა” მოახერხა სერია ა-ში ”იუვენტუსის” 49-მატჩიანი წაუგებელი სერიის დასრულება.
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Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 678
Added: Sky
Date: 27.03.2013 - 23:32
მანჩინიმ საინტერესო წინადადება მიიღო
საფრანგეთის ლიგა 2-ში გაბატონებული "მონაკო” შესაძლოა "მანჩესტერ სიტის” მთავარმა მწვრთნელმა რობერტო მანჩინიმ ჩაიბაროს.
ინფორმაცია ამის შესახებ, La Gazzetta dello Sport-ის ერთ-ერთმა ჟურნალისტმა ტანკრედი პალმერიმ გაავრცელა.
ჟურნალისტი, რომელიც ასევე CNN-ის იტალიელი კორესპონდენტია, იმ თანხის ოდენობასაც აქვეყნებს, რასაც ფრანგები მანჩინის გამოუყოფენ. "მონაკოს” ხელმძღვანელობა მზადაა, იტალიელ სპეციალისტს წელიწადში რვა მილიონი ევრო ანაზღაურების სახით გადასცეს. პლუს ამას, რობერტო ზაფხულის სატრანსფერო ფანჯარაზე სოლიდური თანხით ივაჭრებს.
იმ ფაქტს, რომ "მონაკო” მომავალ სეზონში პირველ ლიგაში დაბრუნდება, წყალი არ გაუვა. გამომდინარე იქიდან, რომ გუნდი ჩემპიონატის ერთპიროვნული ლიდერია.
Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 649
Added: Sky
Date: 27.03.2013 - 23:29
ბარსელონა ნეიმარში 45 მილიონს იხდის
ბრაზილიელი ტალანტის "ბარსელონაში” შესაძლო გადაბარგებასთან დაკავშირებით ახალი ინფორმაცია გაჩნდა.
როგორც Sport.es იტყობინება, "ბარსელონა” ნეიმარის ტრანსფერში 45 მილიონ ევროს გადაიხდის. ამტკიცებენ, რომ იგი შესაძლოა "ბარსაში” ან მიმდინარე წლის ზაფხულში, ან 2014-წელს გადაბარგდეს. გადამწყვეტი სიტყვა ამ შემთხვევაში თავად ნეიმარზე იქნება დამოკიდებული. ამ კლუბებს შორის გაფორმებული შეთანხმების თანახმად, თუ ეს ტრანსფერი არ შედგება "სანტოსს” ესპანური გრანდისათვის ჯარიმის სახით 80 მილიონი ევროს გადახდა მოუწევს.
ასევე იტყობინებიან, რომ თუ ეს ტრანსფერი 2014-წელს განხორციელდება, მაშინ "სანტოსი” 30 მილიონ ევროს მიიღებს, დანარჩენ 15 მილიონს კი "ბარსელონა” დაზოგავს. და თ
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Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 860
Added: Sky
Date: 27.03.2013 - 23:25
დამიაო კავანის შეცვლის
"ნაპოლის” ხელმძღვანელობა "ინტერნასიონალის” ფორვარდის ლეანდრო დამიაოს შეძენით დაინტერესდა.
ნეაპოლური კლუბი 23-წლის ფეხბურთელს გუნდის ძირითადი შემადგენლობის ფორვარდის ედინსონ კავანის შემცვლელად განიხილავს, რომელმაც ზაფხულში შესაძლოა კლუბი შეიცვალოს.
იტყობინებიან, რომ დამიაომ "ნაპოლიში” გადაბარგებაზე წინასწარი თანხმობა უკვე განაცხადა. "ინტერნასიონალის” ფეხბურთელის ეს ტრანსფერი დაახლოებით 22-25 მილიონ ევროდ ფასდება.
შეგახსენებთ, რომ იანვრის თვეში დამიაო "ტოტენჰემში” გადასვლასთან ახლოს იყო, თუმცა გარიგება საბოლოო მო
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Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 628
Added: Sky
Date: 27.03.2013 - 23:21
პერსი ემიუში ყოფნით კმაყოფილია
ჰოლანდიელი ბომბარდირი "ოლდ ტრაფორდზე” ცხოვრებით კმაყოფილია.
"მომდევნო რამოდენიმე წელიწადს მე ნამდვილად "მანჩესტერ იუნაიტედში” გავატარებ. სავსებით შესაძლებელია, აქ უფრო დიდი ხნითაც დავრჩე. არც ისაა გამორიცხული, რომ "იუნაიტედი” ჩემს პროფესიონალურ კარიერაში ბოლო კლუბი გახდეს”, – ციტირებს რობინის სიტყვებს Voetbal International.
"ევროპაში რამოდენიმე კლუბია, სადაც ვეტერანი ფეხბურთელები თავს შესანიშნავად გრძნობენ. ასეთი ფეხბურთელები განსაკუთრებით "იუვენტუსსა” და "მილანში” ჭარბობენ, თუმცა ამ მხრივ "ემიუც” შესანიშნავი მაგალითია. ვინ იცის, კიდევ რა დროის განმავლობაში დავრჩები მე აქ”.
Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 636
Added: Sky
Date: 27.03.2013 - 23:19
Ramos hits back at Spain critics
Sergio Ramos has hit back at recent criticism of Spain's performances, reminding fans of the team's achievements in recent years.
The world and European Champions have come under scrutiny from their own fans for a perceived lack of attacking intent following a spate of lacklustre performances.
But Real Madrid defender Ramos has hit back, insisting Spain's phenomenal success from 2008 onwards should not be forgotten.
"We respect the criticism, but it hurts that some of the fans criticise you after what you've done," the defender told reporters.
Category: News
Views: 712
Added: Sky
Date: 27.03.2013 - 23:15
Park dispels retirement rumours
QPR midfielder Park Ji-Sung has distanced himself from rumours that he plans to retire at the end of next season.
The 32-year-old has hardly been a permanent fixture in the QPR first 11 during an injury hampered season, and has failed to find the net since his close-season switch from Manchester United.
But when quizzed on his plans to retire, Park responded that he plans to continue playing for another few years. The South Korean also reaffirmed his commitment to stay at Loftus Road.
"My contract runs until next season and I have tried my best. (I'll keep playing for) a couple more years. We will s
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Category: News
Views: 622
Added: Sky
Date: 27.03.2013 - 23:13
Tabarez retains qualification hope
Uruguay coach Oscar Tabarez insists his side still have what it takes to reach the World Cup despite their 2-0 defeat to Chile on Tuesday.
Goals from Esteban Paredes and former Napoli striker Eduardo Vargas dealt a further blow to Uruguay's aspirations of making next year's finals in Brazil, but the veteran coach is in no mood to throw in the towel.
"It is true that the situation is very complicated, but we are very clear about our objectives and we have to keep fighting because our own experience tells us that we must fight to the end," Tabarez told reporters.
Category: News
Views: 851
Added: Sky
Date: 27.03.2013 - 23:10
Neville open to lower-tier switch
Phil Neville has revealed he would consider dropping out of the Premier League if Everton do not extend his contract beyond this season.
Neville has appeared over 500 times in the top flight, but insists there would be nothing embarrassing about playing in the lower leagues.
And he is adamant his top priority is to carry on playing football for as long as his body allows, regardless of the level of competition.
"For me, I want to continue playing as long as possible so I'm not embarrassed to go down the league," Neville told the Liverpool Echo.
Category: News
Views: 655
Added: Sky
Date: 27.03.2013 - 22:44
Newcastle announce modest gains
Newcastle have announced a profit of 1.4 million pounds for last year, despite outlays on players such as Papiss Cisse and Yohan Cabaye.
A fifth-place finish in last season's Premier League boosted turnover on Tyneside, pushing them into the world's top 20 revenue-generating clubs.
"After making significant strides towards meeting and exceeding UEFA's Financial Fair Play regulations last season, the club has recorded an overall profit for the second successive year," a Newcastle statement read.
"While last year's figures, which included an overall profit of 32.6m pounds, were significantly boos
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Category: News
Views: 717
Added: Sky
Date: 27.03.2013 - 22:40
Buffon rues Italy showing
Gianluigi Buffon has expressed disappointment with Italy's performance in Tuesday's 2-0 World Cup qualification win over Malta.
Two goals from Mario Balotelli helped the Euro 2012 finalists to the three points as Buffon kept out a Michael Mifsud penalty, but the Juventus goalkeeper feels the Italians allowed their opponents too much space throughout the match.
"There were some difficult playing conditions, as it was very windy and the pitch was extremely wet. Plus if there isn't 100 per cent focus and concentration, then you are going to run into trouble," Buffon said.
Category: News
Views: 684
Added: Sky
Date: 27.03.2013 - 22:11
Smalling vents England frustration
Chris Smalling admits England are 'very disappointed' by Tuesday's 1-1 draw in Montenegro which leaves them second in Group H.
Wayne Rooney capped a confident start from the Three Lions by heading in a Steven Gerrard corner on six minutes, but the visitors wilted after the interval, and Dejan Damjanovic scrambled home an equaliser.
Smalling believes it was a failure to make the most of their first-half dominance which ultimately proved the undoing of Roy Hodgson's men.
"We're very disappointed because we felt we played very well in the first half and controlled the game," he told FATV.
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Category: News
Views: 615
Added: Sky
Date: 27.03.2013 - 22:07
Ferguson covets points record
Sir Alex Ferguson has challenged his Manchester United side to beat Chelsea's points record of 95 from the 2004-05 Premier League season.
The Red Devils are 15 points clear of nearest challengers Manchester City in the league with only nine games left, and require seven wins to equal Chelsea's record.
Ferguson said the record offers extra motivation for his side as they look to secure the club's 20th title in the English top flight
"The record is 95 points by Chelsea," Ferguson told reporters.
Category: News
Views: 698
Added: Sky
Date: 27.03.2013 - 20:53
Messi: Terrible to play at altitude
Lionel Messi said it was 'terrible' to play at altitude after Argentina's 1-1 draw with Bolivia on Tuesday in their CONMEBOL World Cup qualifier.
Marcelo Moreno gifted the hosts the lead midway through the first half, before Ever Banega restored parity shortly before the half-time whistle.
And Messi was pleased to see his side get a draw in difficult conditions.
"It is terrible to play here at altitude, so a draw is a good result for us," Messi said.
"Every time you make an effort or play at high pace, you need time to recover.
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Category: News
Views: 642
Added: Sky
Date: 27.03.2013 - 20:28
Benzema: We didn´t deserve to lose
France striker Karim Benzema claims that his side did not deserve to lose in Tuesday's World Cup qualifier against Spain.
The reigning world champions triumphed 1-0 in a tight affair at the Stade de France thanks to a strike from Barcelona star Pedro just before the hour mark.
Paul Pogba was then sent off for a second yellow card in the 78th minute.
"We are all very disappointed," Benzema told TF1. "If you look at the whole game, we did not deserve to lose. We made a mistake and we paid (for it)."
Category: News
Views: 678
Added: Sky
Date: 27.03.2013 - 20:09
პასტორე პსჟ-ში რჩება
"პარი სენ ჟერმენის” ნახევარმცველი, თავის მომავალს მხოლოდ პარიზულ კლუბს უკავშირებს.
"ბოლო დროს, სულ უფრო და უფრო ხშირად ისმის ჭორები იმასთან დაკავშირებით, რომ მე სამუშაო ადგილის შეცვლა მსურს. გარწმუნებთ, ამ ინფორმაციას რეალობასთან არანაირი საერთო გააჩნია.”-აცხადებს ხავიერ პასტორე.
"მე საფრანგეთში დარჩენას ვგეგმავ. იმედი მაქვს, რომ ჩვენი გუნდი ლიგა 1-ის მოგებას შეძლებს. შემდეგ, კი უკვე უფრო სერიოზული მიზნების დასახვას შევუდგებით.”-დაასრულა არგენტინელმა თავდამსხმელმა.
Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 781
Added: Sky
Date: 27.03.2013 - 17:16
Serie B: Cesena - Padova
Preview & Betting Tip
Cesena - Padova Both teams with absences, but hosts seems to be in the worst situation with Succi ( topscorer 12g), Defrel ( striker 19+8 3g) Graffiedi ( striker 12+7 3g), Djokovic (midf.21+4 4g), D'Alessandro ( midf.17 2g), Gessa ( midf.15+3) all unavailable
For Padova remain out longterm injuried keeper Anania. Out also defenders Piccioni ( 16), Dalla Fiore ( 3+2) and Renzetti ( 28) and midf. Iori ( 7).
Category: Betting Tips
Views: 919
Added: Better
Date: 27.03.2013 - 17:14
გიგზს თამაშის დიდი სურვილი აქვს
"მანჩესტერ იუნაიტედის” მთავარმა მწვრთნელმა, რადიო Sirius XM-თან მიცემულ ინტერვიუში, გუნდის ვეტერანი ფეხბურთელი კომპლიმენტებით შეამკო.
"რაიანი განსაკუთრებული ადამიანია. მას თითქმის არასდროს ჰქონია დისკვალიფიკაცია, არასდროს ჰქონია სერიოზული დაზიანება. იგი ყველა ტრენინგში იღებს მონაწილეობას.”-აცხადებს სერ ალექს ფერგიუსონი.
"გიგსს უბრალოდ თამაშის უდიდესი სურვილი აქვს. იგი მართავს გუნდს ისე, როგორც ნამდვილი ლიდერი. დარწმუნებული ვარ, რომ უელსელი ნახევარმცველი დიდ ფეხბურთში ყოფნას, 41 წლამდე შეძლებს.”-დაასრულა შოტლანდიელმა სპეციალისტმა.
Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 629
Added: Sky
Date: 27.03.2013 - 16:38
Mourinho fuels talk of Premier League return
Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho has fuelled speculation linking him with a summer return to Chelsea by admitting the club is "in his heart" and he will have to come back to the Premier League one day.
Mourinho has been the subject of intense speculation in the last few days, with reports suggesting the former Porto, Chelsea and Inter boss has agreed to return to Stamford Bridge this summer.
Now the Portuguese boss has spoken of his "big emotional connections” with the Blues, connections that mean one day he will "have to be back in English football, or at Chelsea.”
"I cannot deny that, despite this weather, I love it here, and as I said I have a house and I have big emotional connections with Chelsea and one day I think natura
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Category: News
Views: 834
Added: Better
Date: 27.03.2013 - 16:08
Balotelli brace hands Italy win over Malta
Mario Balotelli continued his hot streak in front of goal with a brace to fire Italy to a 2-0 victory over Malta in World Cup qualifying Group B.
The AC Milan striker has now scored 10 goals in nine appearances for club and country since leaving Manchester City in January, with his seventh-minute penalty putting Italy on the right track at Ta' Qali.
Gianluigi Buffon did have to deny Malta's Michael Mifsud from the spot, though, before Balotelli found his second goal at the end of a devastating team move just before the break.
Italy did enough against a lacklustre Malta side to pull three points clear of Bulgaria, who reached 10 points with a 1-1 draw in Denmark.
Malta remained bottom of the group without a point.
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Views: 835
Added: Better
Date: 27.03.2013 - 16:05
Ibra set to face Barca after ban reduction
Zlatan Ibrahimovic will be available for both legs of Paris St Germain's Champions League quarter-finals with Barcelona after UEFA halved his two-match ban on appeal.
The Sweden international was dismissed during the first leg of PSG's last-16 meeting with Valencia and duly missed the return leg in Paris as Carlo Ancelotti's men completed a 3-2 aggregate win.
The French outfit appealed in a bid to allow Ibrahimovic to face his old club - with whom he played two seasons between 2009 and 2011 - next Tuesday, and UEFA this evening confirmed his eligibility for both the Parc des Princes clash and the return leg at the Nou Camp on April 10.
A statement published on uefa.com read: "The UEFA Appeals Body has accepted the appeal lodged by Paris St Ge
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Date: 27.03.2013 - 16:04
Spain edge 10-men France to retake top spot
Spain took a huge step towards qualifying for the 2014 World Cup after beating France 1-0 in Paris to reclaim their place at the top of Group I.
A goal by Pedro on 58 minutes was enough to give Vicente Del Bosque's side the three points, and they will guarantee their place in Brazil next year if they can gain seven points from their final three qualifiers.
France gave a good showing of themselves but Spain created the better of the chances, and their task was made far easier when Paul Pogba was sent off on 78 minutes after picking up two yellow cards.
The European and world champions came into the match off the back of a shock draw at home to Finland but they were boosted by the return of midfielders Xabi Alonso and Xavi Hernandez.
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Date: 27.03.2013 - 16:02
World Cup qualifying: Montenegro - England
Wayne Rooney’s dismissal in a Euro 2012 qualifier in this city 18 months ago weighed heavily on him, Manchester United noticed.
Alone among England’s players, Rooney must have felt a flash of relief when this World Cup qualifying draw threw up a chance to return to Podgorica and set things right.
If Rooney did, in his own private sphere, England made the same mistake of 18 months ago, losing control of this match after half-time to finish it frazzled and still two points off the lead in Group H, with only 12 still to play for.
The warm reviews of the first 45 minutes gave way to an icy shower of anger as England’s fans vented their frustration at this ominous 1-1 draw. They have still not beaten this country of 6
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Date: 27.03.2013 - 15:59
Del Bosque pleased with ´important´ win
Spain coach Vicente Del Bosque believes his side proved their doubters wrong by beating France 1-0 in their World Cup qualifier on Tuesday.
The reigning world champions produced an accomplished display in Paris to seal all three points as Pedro scored the game's only goal in the 58th minute.
Del Bosque praised his team following the win that took them back to the top of Group I with three games left to play.
"People always have doubts. So this result is important," the 62-year-old told AS after the win.
"We showed conviction to stick to our style. We played very well. We were a bit messy when they had 10 men but everyone played very well."
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Views: 641
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Date: 27.03.2013 - 15:55
World Cup qualifying: Mexico 0:0 United States
The United States passed another huge test with an important 0-0 draw against Mexico in CONCACAF World Cup qualifying on Tuesday.
It was only the second away point the USA has taken in Mexico in World Cup qualifying history.
Mexico failed to score at home at the Azteca Stadium for the second time in a pair of Hexagonal matches in Mexico City this year. El Tri played to a scoreless draw against Jamaica in last month's opener followed by a 2-2 tie in Honduras over the weekend. It now has three points in three games.
The USA lost their opener on the road against Honduras but bounced back with a 1-0 victory over Costa Rica in snowy Colorado on Friday. The nation's draw against Mexico puts the Americans in a very good position mov
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Date: 27.03.2013 - 15:54
Benzema: We didn´t deserve to lose
France striker Karim Benzema claims that his side did not deserve to lose in Tuesday's World Cup qualifier against Spain.
The reigning world champions triumphed 1-0 in a tight affair at the Stade de France thanks to a strike from Barcelona star Pedro just before the hour mark.
Paul Pogba was then sent off for a second yellow card in the 78th minute.
"We are all very disappointed," Benzema told TF1. "If you look at the whole game, we did not deserve to lose. We made a mistake and we paid (for it)."
The 25-year-old also spoke about the French fans' adverse reaction to his performance.
"The whistles? That's not that bad. It happens. I was fine. I'll score again," he added. "Th
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Date: 27.03.2013 - 15:52
Suarez punches Chile player
Luis Suarez could face sanctions from FIFA after appearing to strike an opponent in the face while on international duty with Uruguay on Tuesday.
The 26-year-old played the whole 90 minutes as his side fell to a 2-0 defeat to Chile which has severely dented their hopes of World Cup qualification.
And the frustration appeared to get the better of the Liverpool striker as he aimed a jab at an opposition defender with 36 minutes on the clock.
Nottingham Forest loanee Gonzalo Jara was the recipient of the blow, after frustrating the Uruguayan by holding him in the penalty box.
Jara did not react to the incident, however, with play continuing as normal following the clash between the pair.
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Date: 27.03.2013 - 15:50
Klinsmann discovers new defensive options
United States coach Jurgen Klinsmann praised defensive duo Omar Gonzalez and Matt Besler after their 0-0 draw against Mexico.
Following a 1-0 friendly win in August, the USA earned only their second-ever World Cup qualifying road point when they held out their southern neighbours on Tuesday.
And Klinsmann said much of the credit fell to the centre-back pairing of 24-year-old Gonzalez and Besler, 26, who excelled during a three-week training camp earlier this year.
"I have to give credit to our January camps. It gave us a chance to watch Omar and Matt together," Klinsmann said.
"They worked hard that month. We were very calm."
The performances of Gonzalez and Besler were cri
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Date: 27.03.2013 - 15:49
Messi: Terrible to play at altitude
Lionel Messi said it was 'terrible' to play at altitude after Argentina's 1-1 draw with Bolivia on Tuesday in their CONMEBOL World Cup qualifier.
Marcelo Moreno gifted the hosts the lead midway through the first half, before Ever Banega restored parity shortly before the half-time whistle.
And Messi was pleased to see his side get a draw in difficult conditions.
"It is terrible to play here at altitude, so a draw is a good result for us," Messi said.
"Every time you make an effort or play at high pace, you need time to recover.
"Some of the players had a headache and others felt a bit dizzy, but there was nothing wrong with me."
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Views: 664
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Date: 27.03.2013 - 15:47
How England’s players rated
COULD never have expected such an easy first half after all the pre-match talk from the opposition.
But his goal came under siege after the break and, despite an excellent save from Jovetic, he was powerless to prevent Damjanovic’s close-range equaliser.
Rating: 7
PASSED late fitness test on an injured toe to return at right-back and showed no signs of any injury problems with a blistering early shot which required a sharp save.
Continued to get forward at every opportunity and was yellow carded when he got the wrong side of Jovetic. Booked.
Rating: 6
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Date: 27.03.2013 - 15:44