Scotland hatch plan to stop Bale
Assistant manager Mark McGhee says Scotland have a plan to deal with Gareth Bale when they face Wales in Glasgow on Friday.
Gordon Strachan's second in command is confident that the hosts can stop the winger and insists that they will carry their own threat as well.
"I've been watching a lot of Gareth Bale recently. We will have a plan to deal with him but we are the team and will exert our own pressure," McGhee told reporters.
"I've seen teams who have dealt with Bale's quality. I don't think we will be man-marking him.
Category: News
Views: 685
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 23:01
რონალდო ტიტულებს უმიზნებს
რამოდენიმე დღის წინ "რეალის” პორტუგალიელმა თავდამსხმელმა ალფრედო დი სტეფანოს სახელობის სპეციალური ჯილდო მიიღო.
დაჯილდოების ცერემონიაზე კრიშტიანუ პრესის ჟურნალისტებს გაესაუბრა.
"ჩემთვის ამ ჯილდოს მიღება თავად ალფრედო დი სტეფანოს ხელებიდან ძალიან დიდი პატივია. მინდა ყველას დიდი მადლობა გადავუხადო მხარდაჭერისათვის. იგი ახლა მე და "რეალს” ძალიან გვჭირდება”.
"ჩვენ ყველა ფრონტზე გამარჯვების მოპოვებისთვის ბრძოლას განვანგრძობთ. პრიმერა დივიზიონშიც არ ვაპირებთ ხელების ჩამოშვებას. ბოლომდე ვიბრძოლებთ. მე, როგორც "რეალის” ყველა ფეხბურთელს, ამ სეზონში ტიტულების მოპოვება მსურს. და ამისათვი
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Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 1394
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 22:23
Totti in Prandelli´s plans for Brazil
Cesare Prandelli says he will not rule out recalling Francesco Totti to the Italy squad for World Cup 2014, if he can remain fit.
The Roma forward already has 58 caps for his country, but his national team coach is open to the idea of a recall - even though the player officially retired in 2007.
"If we qualify for the World Cup then I'll take a look at what shape he is in," the 55-year-old coach told reporters.
"He is proving to be in exceptional physical condition," Prandelli said.
Italy are top of Group B in their bid for World
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Category: News
Views: 750
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 22:21
Baines wants six points for England
Leighton Baines insists England must collect six points from their World Cup qualifiers against San Marino and Montenegro.
Roy Hodgson's side face San Marino, who are bottom of Group H with no points, on Friday before flying on to Montenegro to play the Group H leaders next Tuesday.
With England in second place, two points behind Montenegro and three points ahead of Poland, who have a game in hand, Everton left-back Baines believes his team-mates must stay focussed in their bid to reach Brazil 2014.
"The first game is one that everyone expects us to win and is a game we must win," Baines told the
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Category: News
Views: 679
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 22:19
Georgia comes first, then Spain
Didier Deschamps has warned his players not to think about Spain ahead of their World Cup 2014 qualifier against Georgia on Friday.
France, who sit second in Group I behind Spain, will take on Georgia on March 22 and the table-toppers just four days later.
And Deschamps is worried his players may be distracted by the prospect of facing Vicente Del Bosque's side, rather than focusing on the task at hand.
"We must focus our energy on the Georgia game to win. Though Spain is in their minds," the 44-year-old told reporters at a press conference.
Category: News
Views: 732
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 22:17
ვიხილავთ თუ არა მესის ბაიერნში
მიუნხენური კლუბის ფორვარდი მომავალზე საუბრობს.
გასულ წელს მარიო გომესმა "ბაიერთან” ახალ ხელშეკრულებას მოაწერა ხელი, თუმცა ბუნდესლიგის ლიდერის სასტარტო შემადგენლობაში ადგილი გასაგები მიზეზის გამო დაკარგა, და, ჭორების თანახმად, მიმდინარე სეზონის დასრულების შემდეგ მან შესაძლოა სამუშაო ადგილი შეიცვალოს.
"ჩემს მომავალთან დაკავშირებით კითხვებზე პასუხის გაცემა არ მიყვარს. ჩემი სამუშაო – ფეხბურთის თამაშია, და მხოლოდ კლუბის ხელმძღვანელობა მიიღებს საბოლოო გადაწყვეტილებას. მე ვერ გეტყვით დაზუსტებით დავტოვებ, თუ არა მიუნხენს. კლუბმა უკვე განაცხადა, რომ ჩემს გასხვისებას არ აპირებს და სწორედ ამით მთავრდება აქ ყველაფერი. "ბაიერნში” ყველაფერი მაკმაყოფილებს”, – აცხადებს გომესი.
"რამოდენიმე წლის წინ ხოსეპ გვარდიოლამ "ბარსელონაში” მიმიწვია, მაგრამ მე დ
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Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 768
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 21:10
ფერდინანდი ინგლისის ნაკრებს ვერ დაეხმარება
მცველი თავისი ნაციონალური ნაკრების უახლოეს შეხვედრებში მონაწილეობის მიღებას ვერ შეძლებს.
"იმედგაცრუებული ვარ იმის გამო, რომ რიო გუნდს ვერ დაეხმარება. სამწუხაროდ, მან სამედიცინო პროგრამა უნდა დაიცვას, რის გამოც იგი ნაკრების უახლოეს გასამართ შეხვედრებში მონაწილეობის მიღებას ვერ შეძლებს”.
"თუმცა, მიუხედავად ამისა, მოხარული ვარ, რომ მან დამირეკა, ჩვენ შევხვდით, და თავად მან შემატყობინა ეს ინფორმაცია, ჩემთვის ამის გაგება პირადად მისგან ძალიან მნიშვნელოვანია”, – განაცხადა როი ჰოჯსონმა.
34-წლის მცველი თავის ქვეყანას სან-მარინოსა და ჩერნოგორიის ეროვნული ნაკრებების წინააღმდეგ გასამართ შეხვედრებში ვერ დაეხმარება. ფერდინანდის ადგილზე ინგლისის სამწვრთნელო შტაბმა "ტოტენჰემის” მცველი სტივენ კოლკერი გამოიძახა.
Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 751
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 21:06
ემიუ პრემიერ ლიგას მოიგებს
”მანჩესტერ იუნაიტედის” სერბ მცველს ნემანია ვიდიჩს არ ეპარება იმის ეჭვი, რომ მისი გუნდი მიმდინარე სეზონში პრემიერლიგას მოიგებს.
”ამჟამად ”მანჩესტერ სიტის” 15 ქულით ვუსწრებთ. ეს სერიოზული სხვაობაა, რომლის ხელიდან გაშვების უფლება არ გვაქვს. შემიძლია ვთქვა, რომ საჩემპიონო ტიტულის ბედი ჩვენს ხელშია”, – აცხადებს ”წითელი ეშმაკების” მცველი.
”მოდუნება ჯერ კიდევ ადრეა. წინ არაერთი რთული მატჩი გველის. გასვლით თამაშებში ჩვენს გუნდს ზოგჯერ უჭირს. გარდა ამისა სერიოზულ მეტოქეებთან მოგვიწევს თამაში.
ბევრ გულშემატკივარს ჯერ კიდევ კარგად ახსოვს გასული სეზონი, რომელშიც ჩემპიონობა ხელიდან გავუშვით. გავაკეთებს ყველაფერს, რათა ეს არ განმეორდეს”, – დაასრულა ვიდიჩმა.
Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 637
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 21:00
ვილია ბარსელონასთან ახალ კონტრაქტს აფორმებსის ინფორმაციით, "ბარსელონამ” კლუბის 31-წლის თავდამსხმელ დავიდ ვილიას ორწლიანი კონტრაქტი შესთავაზა.
ფეხბურთელს კატალონიურ გრანდთან მოქმედი ხელშეკრულება 2014 წლის ზაფხულში ეწურება, თუმცა "ბლაუგრანას” ვილიას შენარჩუნება სურს. შეთანხმების ფინანსური დეტალები არ ხმაურდება.
ვილია "ბარსელონაში” 2010 წლის ზაფხულში "ვალენსიადან” 40 მილიონ ევროდ გადავიდა. მიმდინარე სეზონში ფეხბურთელმა კატალონიური გუნდის ფორმით სხვადასხვა ტურნირებში ერთად 30 მატჩი ჩაატარა, 13 გოლი გაიტანა და 4 საგოლე გადაცემაც მიითვალა.
Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 681
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 20:58
გომესის ბედი ბაიერნის ხელშია
"ბაიერნის” თავდამსხმელი, მარიო გომესი აცხადებს, რომ მისი საქმე ფეხბურთის თამაშია და დატოვებს თუ არა კლუბს, ეს ხელმძღვანებლობის გადასაწყვეტია.
შეგახსენებთ, პრესაში ხშირად წერენ იმის შესახებ, თითქოს, 27 წლის მოთამაშე ბავარიული კლუბის დატოვებას აპირებს.
"კითხვები, რომლებიც ჩემს მომავალს ეხება, არ მომწონს. ჩემი საქმე ფეხბურთის თამაშია. ყველაფერს ის ადამიანები წყვეტენ, რომლებიც "ბაიერნს” მართავენ. მე მხოლოდ მოთამაშე ვარ და არ ვიცი, დავრჩები თუ არა გუნდში. კლუბმა ღიად განაცხადა, რომ მე მათ რიგებს არ დავტოვებ, ამრიგად ამ თემაზე ბევრი საუბარი არ ღირს”, – უთხრა გომესმა Tuttosport-ს.
Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 1013
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 20:56
Juventus aim to thwart Conte interest
Juventus may insert a buyout clause into the contract of coach Antonio Conte after he revealed his discontent with football in Italy.
Conte's display of anger at his press conference after the 2-0 victory at Bologna on Saturday has put the club's board on high alert, with Chelsea and Real Madrid thought to be considering the former Juve midfielder as a possible answer to their coaching worries.
The 43-year-old, who had earlier been chastised by opposition coach Stefano Pioli for over-exuberant celebrations at the full-time whistle, used his media commitments as a platform to air his grievances with some of the ills in the Italian game at present.
Category: News
Views: 791
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 20:49
Sneijder issues warning to Real
Wesley Sneijder says his goal in the 3-1 win over Kayserispor 'sent a message' to Real Madrid ahead of the Champions League quarter-final.
The Galatasaray midfielder played for Madrid between 2007 and 2009 and timed his strike to perfection, with Jose Mourinho, who coached the Netherlands international during his time with Inter, watching on from the stands.
"Scoring that goal sent the message that they should be careful," the 28-year-old told reporters.
"I've not seen him (Mourinho) in a long time. It was very good to see my old teacher for the first time since the Champions League final agains
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Category: News
Views: 674
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 20:47
Messi admits to ´poor´ national team performances
Lionel Messi admits he has not always performed to the best of his ability for Argentina.
But he refuses to take full responsibility for the underachievement of the national side at the last two World Cups.
The Barcelona star has been in outstanding form for his club so far this season, but has not always replicated his domestic feats on the international stage, and he admits there is still room for improvement in his performances for his country.
"I knew I didn't play well for Argentina but I wasn't the only one," the 25-year-old told The Sun.
Category: News
Views: 989
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 20:46
Beckham wins Ancelotti praise
Carlo Ancelotti was happy with David Beckham's performance in Paris Saint-Germain's 2-2 Ligue 1 draw against Saint-Etienne on Sunday.
The veteran midfielder, 37, featured for the full 90 minutes for the first time since his move to PSG in January, and Ancelotti feels Beckham's display was confirmation that he is still in fine shape physically.
"Beckham started for the first time in the league. He showed that he can play consistently for 90 minutes and that he's in good physical condition. He played a key role in directing play," Ancelotti said.
PSG gave away a two-goal lead at the Geoffrey Guicha
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Category: News
Views: 827
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 18:21
სენტ ეტიენი 2:2 პსჟ
"მწვანეებმა” თითქმის წაგებული შეხვედრა შემოატრიალეს და სატურნირო ცხრილის ლიდერი პარიზელები შინ ერთი ქულით გაუშვეს.
"სენტ ეტიენი” – "პსჟ” 2:2
გოლები: პატორე, 9, იბრაჰიმოვიჩი, 18, (პენ) – ალექსი, 37 (ს.კ.), კლერკი, 72
"სენტ ეტიენი”: რუფიე, კლერკი, ბაიალი, პერინი, ბრიზონი (გულამი, 77), გილავოგი, ლემუანი (ბოდმე, 56), კოადე, ობამეიანი, ბრანდაო, მოლო (ჰამუმა, 63)
"პსჟ”: სირიგუ, ვან დერ ვილი, ალექსი, სილვა, მაქსველი, შანტომი (ჟალე, 63), ბექჰემი, მატუიდი, პასტორე, იბრაჰიმოვიჩი, ლავესი (გამეირო, 76)
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Category: News
Views: 710
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 16:57
Platt insists Mancini has support
Manchester City first-team coach David Platt said Roberto Mancini has the backing of the club's owners and supporters.
The defending Premier League champions fell 15 points behind leaders Manchester United over the weekend after suffering a 2-0 defeat against Everton.
Sir Alex Ferguson's team are the clear favourites to claim the championship but Platt believes Mancini is a born winner and capable of further success in the future at the Etihad Stadium.
"There is an appreciation of Roberto from the supporters and the owners," Platt told reporters.
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Category: News
Views: 678
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 15:52
Taylor sees red on McManaman challenge
Newcastle midfielder Ryan Taylor has slammed Wigan youngster Callum McManaman for his challenge on Massadio Haidara.
The furore over McManaman's horror challenge on Newcastle left-back Haidara in Wigan's 2-1 Premier League win on Sunday has continued, with Taylor taking to Twitter to voice his concerns.
The 21-year-old McManaman was making his full league debut for the Latics but sparked controversy and a half-time brawl with his tackle on Haidara, himself a substitute for the injured Mathieu Debuchy.
The incident did not escape the attention of Taylor - a former Wigan player - who criticised McMa
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Category: News
Views: 749
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 15:50
Williams laments flat Swansea
Swansea captain Ashley Williams has challenged his side to improve after their disappointing 2-0 defeat at home to Arsenal.
The Swans have virtually nothing to play for having already claimed the Capital One Cup at the end of February as well as securing their place in the Premier League for a third consecutive season.
That cup success also guarantees the Welsh outfit a maiden voyage into continental competition via the Europa League.
Williams, who has linked with a move to Arsenal as well as Liverpool in the wake of his performances this season, acknowledged his team-mates may have been l
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Category: News
Views: 598
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 15:48
Postecoglou picked to lead A-League All Stars
Melbourne Victory coach Ange Postecoglou was named as manager to lead the A-League All Stars against Manchester United for their July clash.
Postecoglou was announced as the inaugural A-League All Stars coach on Monday after winning a fan vote, just edging out Tony Popovic and Graham Arnold to take on the Premier League leaders in Sydney on July 20.
Postecoglou finished with 36.8 percent of the vote, just ahead of the Wanderers boss Popovic (36.2) with Arnold third on 15.4 percent.
"It's a huge thrill and honour to be voted by the fans," Postecoglou told reporters.
Category: News
Views: 673
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 15:46
Hamstring hits Adriano for six
Barcelona have confirmed left-back Adriano will miss up to six weeks with a hamstring injury.
The Brazil international was replaced by Dani Alves in the 23rd minute of their La Liga clash with Rayo Vallecano, after injuring himself by diving to connect with a pass from team-mate Andres Iniesta.
Barcelona subsequently confirmed the defender will spend a period on the sidelines, via its official Twitter account.
"Adriano suffered a hamstring tear in his right thigh. (The) approximate time out (will be) between four and six weeks," read a post from Barcelona's account.
Category: News
Views: 714
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 15:43
Vilanova nears Spain return
Barcelona sporting director Andoni Zubizarreta said Tito Vilanova will return soon from New York, after receiving cancer treatment.
The 44-year-old has suffered a recurrence of the illness in December, and has been absent from the bench for the majority of 2013, leaving his assistant Jordi Roura in charge.
"Tito is about to return, and this is very good news," the former Blaugrana goalkeeper told Canal+.
"It seems that he has finished the things that he had to do in New York. He will decide when he is ready."
Category: News
Views: 647
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 15:28
Allen, Morison ruled out of Wales squad
Joe Allen and Steve Morison have both been withdrawn from the Wales squad ahead of their two upcoming World Cup 2014 qualifiers.
Liverpool midfielder Allen had already been a doubt for selection due to an ongoing shoulder problem, as Reds boss Brendan Rodgers confirmed he will need surgery, while Leeds forward Morison is suffering from a calf injury.
The news represents a blow to Chris Coleman's hopes of improving his side's faint hopes of qualification for Brazil 2014, with both Allen and Morison key members of the Welsh squad ahead of their trip to Scotland and hosting of Croatia.
Category: News
Views: 594
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 15:22
Sahin satisfied with form spike
Borussia Dortmund midfielder Nuri Sahin said he is recapturing his best form after starring in the 5-1 victory over Freiburg on Saturday.
The Turkey international has struggled to replicate the performances he put in during his first spell for the club since leaving for Real Madrid in 2011.
A subsequent loan move to Liverpool failed to bear fruit, but he is confident that he is now approaching top form, having scored twice in the rout of Christian Streich's side.
"I think I've been improving bit by bit since coming back to Dortmund, even in training. Now the self-confidence is slowly returning and
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Category: News
Views: 657
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 15:20
No problem with Messi, Villa
Barcelona caretaker coach Jordi Roura has dismissed claims of a rift between star forwards Lionel Messi and David Villa.
The pair combined for each of Barca's goals in their 3-1 triumph over Rayo Vallecano at Camp Nou on Sunday.
Messi teed-up Villa for the opener, before Villa reciprocated for Messi's brace as Barca cruised to a victory that restored their 13-point lead at the top of La Liga.
There have been stories of a fractious relationship between the pair, with a couple of public spats fuelling rumours of discontent.
Category: News
Views: 776
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 15:18
Pavone brace sees Cruz climb
Cruz Azul moved into 10th place in the Liga MX thanks to a 3-0 thumping of 10-man Atlante on Sunday.
Both sides entered the clash at Atlante's Estadio Olimpico Andres in dire need of victory, with just two wins apiece from their 10 games so far in Mexico's top flight.
And it was the eight-time Mexican champions who came out the stronger, boosted by the sending off of Atlante's Uruguayan defender Joe Bizera in the 27th minute.
Cruz Azul took advantage of their numerical advantage, with a goal either side of half-time to Argentine striker Mariano Pavone giving them a 2-0 lead by the 56-minute mark.<
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Views: 634
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 15:15
Ancelotti rues Alex mishap
Paris Saint-Germain coach Carlo Ancelotti says Alex's own goal in Sunday's 2-2 draw with Saint-Etienne was the turning point in the game.
The capital club had raced into an early 2-0 lead courtesy of Javier Pastore and Zlatan Ibrahimovic, but their advantage was halved when the Brazilian turned the ball past his own goalkeeper, sparking a comeback.
"This is football," Ancelotti told reporters.
"The turning point was perhaps the goal that we conceded at the end of the first half. If we'd kept our 2-0 lead, the second half would have been much easier."
Category: News
Views: 674
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 15:14
Simeone sees room for improvement
Atletico Madrid coach Diego Simeone claims his team is having an 'average' season, despite sitting just one point behind rivals Real Madrid.
After watching his side keep the pressure La Liga's second-placed team with a 2-0 victory at Osasuna on Sunday - a result that ended a run of three matches without a win - Simeone claimed his team is capable of much better.
"Next we have a tough match at home against Valencia and we have to think about that, not further, because we have been doing average this season," the Argentine said.
"We have to be competitive and we have to do as we have done tod
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Category: News
Views: 675
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 15:11
Campeonato Paulista wrap: Frontrunners hold sway
Sao Paulo retained top spot in the Campeonato Paulista with a 3-2 home win against Oeste, while Ponte Preta kept the pressure on.
Sao Paulo made a great start to their match at the Estadio Cicero Pompeu de Toledo on Sunday, with goals to Edson Silva and Rafael Toloi putting them 2-0 up just after the half-hour mark.
Ligger pulled one back for Oeste in first-half stoppage time, but the margin was out to two goals once more when Luis Fabiano netted with 20 minutes to play.
Wanderson scored another for Oeste to ensure some anxious moments for the Sao Paulo faithful as the match drew to a
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Category: News
Views: 693
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 15:09
Dallas prevail in thriller
FC Dallas moved into second place in the MLS Western Conference on Sunday, while champions LA Galaxy drew with 10-man Chivas USA.
Dallas won a thriller 3-2 at home against Houston Dynamo, with a last-gasp strike from Kenny Cooper securing all three points.
The home side looked to be cruising thanks to two goals in three first-half minutes.
George John opened the scoring with a fortunate header from a set-piece 34 minutes in and Andrew Jacobsen was on hand just two minutes later, volleying home from a corner to double the lead.
Category: News
Views: 636
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 15:07
Maloney welcomes vital points
Wigan attacker Shaun Maloney hailed his side's 2-1 win over Newcastle as a 'massive three points' on Sunday.
Arouna Kone scored an injury-time winner for the home side after Davide Santon cancelled out Jean Beasejour's first-half strike at DW Stadium.
The win means Wigan stay in 18th position, but are only three points behind Aston Villa with a game in hand.
Although Roberto Martinez's side are disappointed to be battling relegation again, they can get themselves out of it according to Maloney.
Category: News
Views: 673
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 15:04
Bundesliga 2: Dresden - Köln
Preview - Betting Tip
Dresden - Köln The last match of this 2nd Bundesliga round could be a very interesting one, considering that both teams really need points from this match. However, their goals are completely different, because Dynamo is in a bitter struggle for survival and is currently in a position that leads to always unpredictable survival playoffs, while Köln is the fourth and wants the playoffs, but for promotion in the 1st Bundesliga. Köln is currently in a better shape and have been long unbeaten, while Dynamo had a good run, which has been stopped in the last round. In the first part of the season they played 1-1, and both clubs very often play draw. Begins: 18.03.2013 – 20:15 C
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Category: Betting Tips
Views: 972
Added: Better
Date: 18.03.2013 - 02:48
Barcelona 3-1 Rayo Vallecano
The pair were directly responsible for every goal scored by the Blaugrana, which maintained its seemingly unassailable 13 point lead at La Liga's summit.Barcelona's indomitable Liga form continued with a 3-1 win against Rayo Vallecano at Camp Nou on Sunday.
Lionel Messi struck twice to extend his incredible scoring streak to 18 consecutive league games, but it was his understanding with David Villa that was the highlight of the match, with both players dispelling rumors of a rift to combine for all three of Barca's goals.
Villa got the ball rolling 25 minutes in by confidently slotting home a feed from Messi, who himself slid in the second five minutes before halftime after latching onto th
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Category: News
Views: 739
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 02:19
Lescott brought into England squad
Manchester City defender Joleon Lescott has been called up to the England squad for World Cup qualifiers against San Marino and Montenegro.
Lescott was initially left out by Three Lions manager Roy Hodgson because of a lack of first-team action in Roberto Mancini's side.
But he has been named as a replacement for Tottenham counterpart Michael Dawson, who was substituted at half-time of Spurs' 1-0 defeat to Fulham on Sunday with a hamstring problem.
Spurs midfielder Aaron Lennon has also pulled out of the England squad due to injury.
Category: News
Views: 686
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 01:30
Jol pleased to nullify Bale
Martin Jol praised his Fulham side for restricting Gareth Bale to his 'quietest game' during their 1-0 win over Tottenham on Sunday.
A goal from former Spurs striker Dimitar Berbatov in the second half was the difference between the sides as the hosts saw their push for Champions League football take a blow.
Bale saw a headed effort cleared off the line in the opening stages, but despite the early chance, Fulham managed to keep the Welsh international at bay.
"I think we kept it simple today with Bale and (Mousa) Dembele, it was probably the quietest gam
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Category: News
Views: 720
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 01:28
Pardew condemns McManaman tackle
Newcastle manager Alan Pardew has slammed Wigan midfielder Callum McManaman for an 'awful' challenge on Massadio Haidara.
The tackle occurred during the first half of Newcastle's 2-1 defeat at the DW Stadium on Sunday, as the 21-year-old caught the left-back on the knee with his studs raised in the air.
Referee Mark Halsey did not see the incident, and McManaman escaped sanction.
"I'm disappointed for our team and Wigan in a way," Pardew told Sky Sports. "It was disappointing the way it was conducted.
Category: News
Views: 693
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 00:51
მარცხი ინგლისთან
ინგლისურ შეკრებაზე მყოფმა საქართველოს 18-წლამდე მორაგბეთა ნაკრებმა დასკვნითი ტესტ-მატჩი ჩაატარა. ილია მაისურაძი შეგირდები ქოვენთრის "ბროდ სთრითის” მოედანზე ინგლსელთა 17-წლამდელთა გუნდს დაუპირისპირდნენ და 12:34 (7:12) წააგეს.
გასულ შეხვედრაში ახალგაზრდა "ბორჯღალოსანთა” შემადგენლობა ასეთი იყო: 1. დავით ფხაკაძე; 2. ბადრი ალხაზიშვილი; 3. ზაურ ხარებავა; 4. თორნიკე ზოიძე; 5. როლანდ კვაჭაძე; 6. ბადრი დანგაძე; 7. თორნიკე ბუბუტეიშვილი; 8. ჟორა მღებრიშვილი; 9. ვასილ ლობჟანიძე. 10. რევაზ ჯინჭველაშვილი; 11. იოსებ კიკვაძე; 12. თემურ ირემაძე; 13. დევი დევსურაშვილი; 14. ბადრი ლიპარტელიანი; 15. ირაკლი სვანიძე;
შეგახსენებთ, რომ საქართველოს 17-წლამდელთა ნაკრები
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Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 698
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 00:46
პულენმა ბოლონიელებს მოგების გემო გაახსენა
საქართველოს ეროვნული ნაკრების გამთამაშებელმა ჯეიკობ პულენმა იტალიური "ოკნოპლასტ ბოლონიას” რიგებში ჩინებული დებიუტი მოიწყო. პულენმა "ტრენკვალდერ რეჯიო ემილიას” წინააღმდეგ 21 წუთს ითამაშა და 22 ქულა ჩააგდო.
ჯეკობი ბოლონიელთა სასტარტო ხუთეულში არ ყოფილა, თუმცა, მატჩის ერთ-ერთ გმირად კი იქცა. პულენმა 6-დან 5 ორქულიანი, 5-დან 3 სამქულიანი და 6-დან 3 საჯარიმო ჩააგდო და 22 ქულას 2 მოხსნა, 1 ჩაჭრა და 1 პასი წაამატა.
ნატურალიზებულმა ამერიკელმა უკანახაზელმა ბურთი სამჯერ დაკარგა, 2 პერსონალური ფოლი მიიღო, მის წინააღმდეგ კი თამაშის წესები 4-ჯერ დაირღვა.
თამაში "ოკნოპლასტის” აშკარა უპირატესობით
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Category: ახალი ამბები
Views: 599
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 00:41
Benitez delighted for Lampard
Chelsea manager Rafael Benitez hailed Frank Lampard's 'fantastic achievement' after the midfielder scored his 200th goal for the club.
The veteran midfielder reached the landmark with a first-half header in his side's 2-0 win over West Ham United at Stamford Bridge on Sunday.
Lampard is now just two goals behind Bobby Tambling's all-time club record.
"I'm happy because Frank has scored 200 goals, it's a fantastic achievement for anyone but particularly him," Benitez told reporters. "I'm really pleased for him.
Category: News
Views: 790
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 00:37
Allegri backs Balotelli to continue shining
AC Milan coach Massimiliano Allegri says Mario Balotelli's time to shine is now after his goals helped his side beat Palermo 2-0 on Sunday.The Italy international struck once in each half to keep AC Milan within touching distance of second-placed Napoli, who secured a 3-2 win over Atalanta.
Balotelli has now scored seven goals since his high-profile return to Italy and Allegri believes his youthful AC Milan side – led by the former Manchester City forward – can be the platform the striker needs to showcase his talent.
"I think it's an important opportunity for Balotelli, as for the first
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Category: News
Views: 664
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 00:34
Stuttgart head out of drop zone
Stuttgart recorded an important 2-1 win over Eintracht Frankfurt to climb clear of the relegation zone in the Bundesliga on Sunday.
Bruno Labbadia's men had suffered four straight losses, including a disappointing Europa League exit, heading into the encounter but bounced back in style.
Vedad Ibisevic cancelled out Stefan Aigner's 17th-minute opener at the Commerzbank-Arena.
Georg Niedermeier scored the winner in the second half, lifting Stuttgart into 12th and eight points clear of Augsburg, who occupy the relegation playoff spot.
Eintracht Frankfurt remain fourth despite being winless in their past six matches.
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Category: News
Views: 689
Added: Sky
Date: 18.03.2013 - 00:23